Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Question 8

Consider the type of Cerebral Palsy.  Why is it important to know this about children in our classroom?  How could this impact them within the classroom setting?

This question confuses me I am taking this as list out all the different types of Cerebral Palsy. Then tell how knowing the different types would be important in the classroom and for the our students.

Does that sound right to anybody else?

Question 3

Mrs. White or anyone else who may be able to help me out, could you go into more depth on what you are asking for that question? I am confused by this question for some reason. The wording is getting me =/

Final Exam #7

For number 7, are we supposed to discuss a disorder that covers sensory, processing, and cognitive (all 3 of them) or a different disorder for each of these areas individually?

Monday, April 30, 2012

Final Exam Question

Is the final exam like other exams we have taken before where we can close it for awhile and reopen it? Or must we complete it in one setting.


so has anyone took the exam yet???

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Final Exam

Just wanted to let everyone know that the Final Exam was posted today. :) Good luck on your finals everyone!
Good luck to everyone on their final exams! Hope everyone has a great summer, and congratulations to those who are graduating!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Study Guide now Available

Your Study Guide for the Final is now available.  These are NOT the questions...so feel free to post any of the questions on the blog for discussion.  The TOPICS are reflective of what will be asked.  This is DEAD week.  I respect that and am not asking you to do any work this week (unless you have outstanding work you've not turned in yet!!!).  I will not give you the final and open it until Sunday night.  It is due at midnight on Wednesday. 

Mr. Jones

Last night as we watched Keith Jones getting along independently, it was incredible. When I think of the questions asked in class about how we view our learning environment, as we teach, we can think of how powerful Mr. Jones testimony was. Mr. Jones who was very capable to be on his own, with adaptations had goals to reach past his physical body. I heard him say he wanted a family, a wife and kids. There are emotional needs that all of us have, I wonder if he will ever meet this goal?



 Warning: You might cry. I did. lol

Monday, April 23, 2012

Metaphor: Group Uno

Salad Bar. Because you put everything together but don't make it into the same thing.

Question 5 Group 3

1. Behavioral programming - Instructional strategies that use task analysis and careful measurement of progress.

2. Emphasis on process - The child may need to be helped in learning how to learn. Instruction should include help in sustaining attention and on memory.

3. Simulation Experiences - Use simulations to enable the child to transfer skills to a new setting.

Group 4 question 5

Keep instruction simple, divide work into small sections, display pictorial or visual schedule of activities

Keith Jones Video

WOW! What an inspiration! Keith Jones has a good mind! Locked in a challenging body! As a teacher, asking the student what they want to learn and how they want to learn it is a great start.

Number 5 group 4

Maximally controlled environment, low pupil-teacher ratio, intensive and repetitive instruction. This can be found on page 267

Question 3

Various difficulties in regards to speech

Group 3

Speech production involves the precise control and coordination of various muscle groups. Individuals with cerebral palsy may have speech production difficulties in one or several areas, including respiration, phonation, resonation and articulation. Articulation is often affected because of difficulty controlling the tongue, lips or mouth.

Number 3 group 4

Speech impairments are common because speech involves particular muscle groups and control

question 3 group 1

Children with cerebral palsy can have difficulties with speech, sight and hearing.  This can effect the sensory category for learners. 


Articulation would be difficult because the person might have trouble controlling their tongue, lips, or mouth. Group 1
Types of Cerebral Palsy: Group 6
Spastic- stiff and difficult movement
Athetoid- involuntary and uncontrolled movement
Ataxic- disturbed sense of balance and depth perception


Does anyone elsee like using SoapBox better during class than the blog? Just curious.

Back Row Fellas

Can an emotional disorder ever come to be cognitive if it begins to effect intellectual abilities?

Learners with cognitive issues

My daughter has a cognitive issue and a processing issues. A teacher may give her a concept early in the day and by the afternoon, she may answer the teacher out of the blue. She can not read yet, but desires to be read to. She can recite certain books also.
Our question was : how do you know when it is simply kids being kids and an actual disorder?
We are unsure about processing, I would have thought processing was more dealing with the way those with emotional disorders processed those emotions and processed the information and things around them.


This is a disorder I would like to know more about since it touches my family.


so would a student with Asperger's Syndrome fall under Cognitive?
-back row girls & Tyler
Would someone with ADHD fall under Processing in the learning chart?


We understand that every barrier is different, even if they are in the same category. For example, a child who has a sensory barrier may have a sound barrier while another student with a sensory barrier may have a vision barrier.


Which barrier(s) do children with cerebral palsy face? I feel like it is processing but I'm unsure.

Fellow Students

I'm not going to lie I'm going to miss you guys. This has been one of my favorite classes of all time.

Next Semester

Since this semester is coming to an end, what classes is everyone taking next semester. I'm taking a few ELE classes (322, 365, 361, 445), SED 518, and LIB 301. If you have already taken theses classes, please let me know you feelings on them. Any helpful tips I should know! Thanks :))

Class April 16th

So Monday, April the 16th, I woke up with a fever, head ache, sore throat, and body aches. I went to the doctor and found out I have strep. I was way to sick to attend class and I didn't want to spread germs in anyway. This is literally the worse time of the semester to be out and sick. Could someone please catch me up on what we went over last Monday!! I would greatly appreciate any comments :))

Friday, April 20, 2012

Could be a TYPE of question on the final...

Watch the video.  Is the teacher addressing students skills relative to pragmatics, syntax or semantics.  Defend  your answer.  I am encouraging you to answer it here in the Comments section.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

In My Language

One of my friends shared this with me. She goes to University of the Cumberlands and one of her special education professors shared this with her class. It is very powerful, and I think everyone should watch :)


Soap Box

I really liked using the soap box :) I think it made the class more fun.

Monday, April 16, 2012



I do not know a lot about Tourette's Syndrome but this video amazed me. I knew that people who had Tourette's usually had ticks of some kind but I never thought whistling could be one. I also love how this kid's attitude!

Is it just me?

Okay, so is it just me or did anyone else get that relief once ya submitted your language sample? I know I sure did! Wheew i'm so glad that's finished!

Almost Done!!

I can't believe theres only 2 weeks of classes left. Has this semester gone super fast for anyone else?

EDF 203

Is anybody in EDF 203? Do we have lab this week?


Sunday, April 15, 2012

Its almost the end of the semester and Im going to have to say this class has helped me realize many  different reasons why I am going into the field I am going into!!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Language Project

I was wondering if we needed to leave the child's name out of the project... there are several times where the people she is talking to refer to her by her name and it's included in my transcription. Also, is it okay to use the adult's name as well or just an initial?

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Last Question

I am sitting here staring at the last question on our test and just feel kind of stuck. I might be over analyzing it but I can't decide if she wants one specific example from one type of disorder or if she just wants us to give a general answer that pertains to all of those disorders mentioned in the chapters she listed. I would greatly appreciate any input on this. I know it's late but I have been thinking about this question for two hours. Help!


So I have finished my exam but I am completely stuck on question nine!! I'm just not sure where I will find major components of the instructional plan. Can anyone point me in the right direction?! PLEASE!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Missed class need help

Sorry i was not in class last monday i was in Blue Orleans! However, can someone just summarize what we went over in class so i know what to look at for the test due on the 12th

Language Projects - Still DUE - April 16th

Just a reminder that even though we did not have class tonight your language projects are STILL DUE next Monday, April 16th.  They are due electronically through Blackboard.  You will have until MIDNIGHT to complete them.  There is no reason to miss class to finish them up, however!

I will be available next Sunday to do a Finishing Touches dinner in Richmond if anyone needs last minute help going over their project.  I'll have dinner at O'Charley's at 4:00.  Anyone who wants any type of assistance or to hang out with me while I'm grading can meet me there.

You are WELCOME to post questions, clauses, etc. here to get feedback as well.

Autistic Hoopstar


Please Check out this amazing story.

Get Well

Just wanted to send you a little get well note, Professor White!

Communicative Intent

Question 3 on our test talks about communicative intent. I have really thought about it, but I can't seem to grasp what that means or what I need to give as an answer for that question. Can anyone explain what that means without giving me an answer.

Class cancelled - April 9th

Class is cancelled today due to me being sick.  We will meet next Monday.  If you have questions post here or email.  I doubt I'll be texting today.

Sunday, April 8, 2012


Hey guys! We only have 4 weeks left!!! I know those of you who live on campus have probably already re-contracted for housing if you are living on campus again, but I really wanted to just remind everyone of the Education LLC. I know not everyone in the class is an education major, but those who are listen up: We would LOVE to have you! I am one of the RA's for the girl's education floor in McGregor. We usually fill up the girls floors, but the guy's floor seems to be disappearing. We would love to see the guys step up and represent the major on this floor. Just consider it, please. Of course, girls, you are also welcome to look into it for next year or even the year after that, everyone is! Just don't forget it's there!

Pragmatics Question

This is such a silly question, but I am really trying to decide what to do here. I can get about half of my utterances identified but I keep getting really confused because the child I recorded uses a lot of fragments and answers a lot of questions just like that (not like yes or no, but maybe like giving a name or telling what he wants to eat, etc.). I have a TON of recorded utterances, I can add more, but I just would rather deal with what I already have. I'm just really confused. How would you guys suggest handling most fragments?

Language Project Study Group

Hey guys,

I'm trying to do pragmatics, but man alive it is harder than I thought! Would anyone be interested in trying to set up a study group ( any night  but Mondays and Thursdays) to work on this? I think it would be SUPER beneficial. Please let me know via blog or PREFERABLY email at morgan_robinson83@myamail.eku.edu. This is your chance to be funny, showcase your talent, etc.I don't so much like that part of the job.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

What Would You Do?


The TV show deals with a situation of a bunch of bullies in an ice cream shop picking on a  woman who stutters. Not even going to try to fib, I totally got so angry by this, that I cried a little bit. Really good clip!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Doctors Want To Redefine Autism; Parents Worried

Has anyone seen this article in the news yet?

CHICAGO (AP) - One child doesn't talk, rocks rhythmically back and forth and stares at clothes spinning in the dryer. Another has no trouble talking but is obsessed with trains, methodically naming every station in his state.

Autistic kids like these hate change, but a big one is looming.

For the first time in nearly two decades, experts want to rewrite the definition of autism. Some parents fear that if the definition is narrowed, their children may lose out on special therapies.

For years, different autism-related labels have been used, the best known being Asperger's disorder. The doctors working on the new definition want to eliminate separate terms like that one and lump them all into an "autism spectrum disorder" category.

Some specialists contend the proposal will exclude as many as 40 percent of kids now considered autistic. Parents of mildly affected children worry their kids will be left out and lose access to academic and behavioral services - and any chance of a normal life.

But doctors on the American Psychiatric Association panel that has proposed the changes say none of that would happen.

They maintain the revision is needed to dump confusing labels and clarify that autism can involve a range of symptoms from mild to severe. They say it will be easier to diagnose kids and ensure that those with true autism receive the same diagnosis.

With new government data last week suggesting more kids than ever in the U.S. - 1 in 88 - have autism, the new definition may help clarify whether the rising numbers reflect a true increase in autism or overdiagnosis by doctors.

There is no definitive test for autism. The diagnosis that has been used for at least 18 years covers children who once were called mentally retarded, as well as some who might have merely been considered quirky or odd. Today, some children diagnosed with autism may no longer fit the definition when they mature.

"We're wanting to use this opportunity to get this diagnosis right," said Dr. Bryan King, a member of the revision panel and director of the autism center at Seattle Children's Hospital.

The revision is among dozens of changes proposed for an update of the psychiatric association's reference manual, widely used for diagnosing mental illnesses. The more than 10,000 comments the group has received for the update mostly involve the autism proposal, with concerns voiced by doctors, researchers, families and advocacy groups. A spokeswoman declined to say whether most support or oppose the autism revision.

The group's board of trustees is expected to vote on the proposals in December, and the updated manual is to be published next year.

Among the proposed changes:

- A new "autism spectrum disorder" category would be created, describing symptoms that generally appear before age 3. It would encompass children with "autistic disorder," now used for severe cases, plus those with two high-functioning variations.

A diagnosis would require three types of communication problems, including limited or no conversation and poor social skills; and at least two repetitive behaviors or unusual, limited interests, including arm-flapping, tiptoe-walking and obsession with quirky topics.

- Autistic disorder and high-functioning variations - Asperger's disorder and PDD-NOS, or "pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified" - would be eliminated, but their symptoms would be covered under the new category.

Asperger's kids often have vast knowledge about a quirky subject but poor social skills; PDD-NOS is notoriously ill-defined and sometimes given to kids considered mildly autistic.

- Another new category, "social communication disorder," would include children who relate poorly to others and have trouble reading facial expressions and body language. A small percentage of children now labeled with PDD-NOS would fit more accurately into this diagnosis, autism panel members say.

They say the changes make scientific sense and are based on recent research.

Opponents include older kids and adults with Asperger's who embrace their quirkiness and don't want to be lumped in with more severe autism, and parents like Kelly Andrus of Lewisville, Texas. Her son, Bradley, was diagnosed with mild autism a year ago, at age 2.

"I'm really afraid we'd be pushed out of the services we get," she said. That includes a free preschool program for autistic kids and speech and occupational therapy, which cost her $50 a week. The family has no medical insurance.

Opponents also include a well-known Yale University autism researcher, Dr. Fred Volkmar, who was on the revision panel but says he was unhappy with the process and quit. "I want to be sure we're not going to leave some kids out in the cold," he said.

Volkmar is senior author of a study suggesting that the revision would exclude nearly 40 percent of children with true autism. But members of the revision panel have challenged Volkmar's methods, saying he relied on outdated data from two decades ago.

One major advocacy group in the field, Autism Speaks, said it is awaiting further research on the effects of the revisions before deciding whether to endorse them.

Dr. James Harris, a panel member and founding director of the developmental neuropsychiatry program at Johns Hopkins University, said the proposal will provide a better label for children who really only have communication problems.

"I don't want a child labeled as autistic, which suggests a chronic, lifelong problem, when he has a social communication problem that may get better if he has proper services and his brain matures," Harris said.

Harris said these kids don't need intensive autism therapy but should be eligible for other types of special education typically offered in public schools.

Dr. Daniel Coury, chief of developmental and behavioral pediatrics at Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus, Ohio, said parents have valid concerns because insurance companies and schools may not immediately recognize that children receiving the new diagnosis may need special services.

"So there may potentially be a lag time where services would not be available," he said.

He noted it is already difficult for many families to get costly autism therapy. Some insurers don't cover it, and many financially strapped school districts have cut special education.



Diagnostic manual: http://www.dsm5-org

Autism-CDC: http://1.usa.gov/bj7JJ

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Test #3

I know that it isn't posted yet, but in class she told us that the test was due April 10th before class. However, April 10th is a Tuesday and we don't have class. I was wondering if it was really due on Tuesday or if she meant that it was due that Monday before class.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Pragmatics Help

So, I'm still a little bit confused. When I looked over my sample after class and was going through the checklist I got confused. Can anyone tell me the difference between specifying topic and responding to request for clarification? They seem like the same thing to me.


Down on the bayou, HELP!

I did not intend on having class today since we won the game last week and on a whim my cousin, his wife, my mother and I drove down to New Orleans to join the party. Of course, we are meeting today, I'm not too sorry about being here but I do need some help with my language project. If anybody could lend a hand or maybe summarize what Mrs. White goes over tonight, it would be greatly appreciated!

Saturday, March 31, 2012


http://youtu.be/Y7NVxAMQn_I     I know a lot of people aren't into rock music but this song has a ton of heart and the video is really cool too. Bullying is still a major problem in our schools and it is one of my biggest pet peeves.


Friday, March 30, 2012

Language Projects

So how many people have finished their language projects? I have taken my sample and typed it up but thats it. It seems like so much work and the due date is coming up fast!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I just wanted to share about a student that I once worked with. He passed away last week from a brain tumor, at the young age of 13. This young boy was once placed in EBD and had what appeared as severe emotional and behavior disorders. I have had a hard time dealing with and understanding if maybe a lot of the problems that he had were a result to his brain tumor. It saddens me to think what may have been going on in this child's mind during those times was a result of something that was not found until it was too late. Please keep his family, friends, teachers, and myself in your prayers as we mourn the loss of a special young boy.

Monday, March 26, 2012


What does the Observation Report assignment mean when it says that we need to complete the rubric to do a self-assessment? Where can you find this? Is it to be filled in by us or should we just type a reflection or something?


The Blind Side

So in class we were talking about how a teacher can make the difference in weather or not the student can progress.  Over the weekend I was watching The Blind Side and it made me think about this class.  Michael's teacher is wonderful because she goes out of her way to help him learn.  She even gives him the tests orally and she knows that he is listening to what she is teaching.  I wish that there were more teachers out there like her!

Autism Speaks


This is a really good video for upcoming teachers or really anybody.

UK v. UofL

Okay who is rooting for UK/UofL??? I know I am looking for #8!!!!! Go CATS!!

Borrowing book

Hey Jessica could I borrow your book today after class?


Is our language sample due today?

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Can someone tell me the due date for a language sample project?

Best Buddies at EKU

Since most, if not all, of us are majoring in Special Education, I thought that this group would be of interest to you. It's called Best Buddies and it is kinda like Big Brother/Big Sister for young adults with disabilities. It is geared toward giving  these young adults a chance to make friends in college, since they do not have the ability to go to college and do so on their own.

If you are interested, I included the link below. It's our Facebook page and will contain any information you need to know about meetings and events. If you have any additional questions, feel free to e-mail me at jessica_coots3@mymail.eku.edu, as well as e-mail our president Mollie Kuebler at mollie_kuebler@mymail.eku.edu.


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Pragmatics Analysis - Michael Halliday

When you do an analysis of pragmatics you are looking a child's competency in the "use" of language.  You look at their proficiency or ability to participate in conversation as well as their competency with the functions of language.

If you do an analysis of a child's pragmatic skills you will use Michael Halliday’s taxonomy of the functions of language to determine which functions the child demonstrates within the sample of language you capture.  Use the website at the link to provide you additional information.

Test 2

Does anyone know when Ms. White is reopening the test so we can make corrections?


Congratulations Mrs. White!
Your promotion is a promotion for us too!  We have experienced your level of excellence and you are the reminder to dedicate and rededicate ourselves to the craft of teaching!  I appreciate the assessment tool you have guided me to.  You are a resource that I will utilize often! Thank you

Monday, March 19, 2012

Pragmatics Help

I'm analyzing pragmatics for my Language Sample Project, and I was wondering what "Halliday" meant on the worksheet. It's in the first sentence under the title "2. Function of Language." The answer to this question might be really obvious, but I'm a bit confused.

Wonderful Video on stopping the "R-word"


**This is a really awesome video about the "R-word". We talked about mental retardation today in class and it reminded me of this film clip. I hope you all can appreciate this video as much as I do!!

What the Heck?!

Apparently I had the wrong dates wrote down for the observation and the language sample. So the observation is due next monday the 26th correct? Gosh I cannot believe I messed that up!

Language Sample

Has anyone NOT started their sample yet???

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Language Project Assistance

I will be available tomorrow from 11:00 a.m. until a final start time of 4 p.m. for appointments with you to work on the Language Project or any other item with which you need assistance for class.

I will be at Panera Bread in Richmond.  If you are unable to meet off campus this is NO PROBLEM.  Just text me and we will make arrangements to meet ON CAMPUS.

If you plan to meet me please either leave a comment here or text me at 859-338-4822 to let me know what time you wish to meet me.

I do not have SED337 tomorrow afternoon as we are meeting Tuesday evening.

I look forward to working with you tomorrow to go over any parts of your project you have begun or to help you create a plan for beginning.

Mrs. White

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Test Two

I am struggling with the semantics question!! Can anyone provide some clarification of the question.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Out of the loop

Hey SED 260: I have missed this pass Monday due to death in my family. I missed a very important class. I see we have a test. Prayerfully all I need is to open test and nothing new was introduced on Monday. I hope everyone faired well during the horrible weather we had on 3/2/2012.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Test 2

Good evening,

I have had a fit with my scanner this week trying to scan in the language sample excerpt I passed out in class.  I do not have or can't find the electronic sample to upload.

So, I have emailed it to everyone tonight with directions for the ENTIRE test and how to complete it. 

I'm also uploading it here to the blog. 

BE CERTAIN to read your email and follow the directions for HOW you are to complete this portion with the answer sheet.

Also remember you MUST complete the TWO questions on Blackboard as well.


SED Classes

This semester I am taking ASL, SED 337, and SED 260. Because all of these classes are so closely related there are people taking most, if not all, of these classes this semester. I have gotten to know a number of people through these three classes, and I'm really appreciative of that!


Hey! I was just wondering if anyone else was affected by the recent tornado activities? I know it hit hard where I live and was very scary! Thank God it didn't hit my house, but people I know and am close with lost everything they owned plus loved ones. It's just scary to think that in the blink of an eye everything can be gone!

Gentle Reminder

Before posting on a topic please browse the other posts to make sure there are no other posts relative to this.  This helps and saves me time in posting only once in response to it :)  THANKS

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


I wasn't able to come to class Monday and I was just wondering where to find the test. Thanks :)